Clutch v3
– Mega-Marines

1993 Series

Filecard Info

Code Name: Clutch

Monster Blaster A.P.C. Driver

File Name: Steinberg, Lance J.

SN: RA757-340-802

Primary Military Speciality: Transportation Engineer

Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry

Birthplace: Asbury Park, New Jersey

Grade: E-4

Clutch has worked as a mechanic for some of the top drivers on the professional racing circuit. After he helped win the Indy 500, Duke recruited him as chief vehicle technician in charge of the G.I. Joe motor pool. Clutch accepted Duke´s offer because he knew it was both an honor and a challenge. Having worked in a close-knit pit crew during his racing days, Clutch new the importance of team work and how to operate like a well oiled machine. He brings these team qualities to the Mega-Marines, keeping the Monster Blaster A.P.C. at a peak performance level and firing mega-concossion missiles at Mega-Monsters every chance he gets. He´s a crack shot with M-16s, M-60s and the A.P.C.´s huge missile cannon!

“I still grease my hair with motor oil, but I´m not half as slimy as those Mega-Monsters!”

Full figure



Black rifle
Black submachine gun
Black machete
Yellow launcher
2x Black missiles
Yellow body armor
Yellow/green bio-armor container
(Missing black shotgun)
