Snake Eyes v8
– Commando Team
1997 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Snake Eyes
File Name: Classified
SN: Classified
Primary Military Speciality: Infantry
Secondary Military Speciality: Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor
Birthplace: Classified
Grade: E-8
Snake Eyes´s life has been one of both military discipline and horrific tragedy. He served in Southeast Asia in a Long-Range Recon Patrol. Upon returning home, he learned that his parents and sister had been fatally wounded on their way to the airport to meet him. Subsequently, Snake Eyes joined the ninja clan which was Storm Shadow´s family. This ended in disaster when the head of the family, known as the Hard Master, was assassinated. Storm Shadow was the primary suspect. Later Snake Eyes would retreat to the mountain cabin in the High Sierras, turning his back on the world, with only a wolf named Timber as his companion. When the G.I. Joe were being formed, Stalker and Hawk brought him back to be part of the team. In an early Joe mission, Snake Eyes was involved in a mid-air helicopter collision that left his face horribly scarred. He was virtually unable to speak. Yet, through all of this, Snake Eyes never abandoned his sense of duty or disciplin. He remains, to this day, the ultimate soldier, and a valued member of the G. I. Joe Team.
From Snake Eyes´ Journal: “Do I have any regrets about choosing the life of a soldier? None. It has been my continuing privilege to serve in defence of this country and for all it stands with men and women upon whom I can depend utterly. They are the finest this country has to offer. Being a soldier isn´t so much a job – it is a trust.”
Full figure


Black rifle
Black sword
Black backpack


Card Front

Card Back