Dusty & Sandstorm v3

1991 Series

Filecard Info

Code Name: Dusty & Sandstorm

Desert Trooper & Coyote

File Name: Tadur, Ronald W.

SN: 371-1146-RT05*

Primary Military Speciality: Infantry

Secondary Military Speciality: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Maintenance

Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada

Grade: E-5

*: Dusty´s Security Number has been specially modified to prevent breaches in G. I. Joe security.

Qualified Expert: M-16A2 5.56mm rifle, M1911A1 .45 automatic pistol, M-203 40mm grenade launcher. Familiar with all NATO and friendly forces small arms.

Licensed to operate: Locust, Hammer, Retaliator.

Dusty knows that the very thought of desert training induces terminal belly aching in even the most seasoned troopers. The blistering heat during the day, freezing cold at night, snakes, scorpions, sheet lightning, dust storms and dry, gritty sand – none of these things faze Dusty and his Coyote Sandstorm because they are the natural trappings of what they consider to be their home. Fluent in Arabic and Hebrew, Dusty is also conversant in Kazakh and Khalkha (Eastern Mongolian).**

**: Languages spoken in the great desert regions of the world. (Yes, we know that Australia has a desert to dwarf most, but most native Australians speak English).

“Dusty can track like a hungry wolf, go to ground like a spooked prairie dog and fight like a wounded bobcat. He’s got the patience of a Diamondback rattler, the social graces of a gila monster, and the taste buds of a coyote. In short, he’s not much use for anything, except sneaking up behind guys in the desert and popping a can of firefight.”

Full figure



Brown pistol
Brown submachine gun
Brown backpack
Grey coyote
