Beach Head
1986 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Beach Head
File Name: Sneeden, Wayne R.
SN: RA 011-60-9231
Primary Military Speciality: Infantry
Secondary Military Speciality: Small Arms Armourer
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
Grade: E-6
Beach Head was a lane instructor at the Ranger School in Wellington and an Observer/Advisor at the Covert Ops School in Central America. He´s meticulous patient, and strong-willed. He likes getting up at 0500 hours to take a ten-mile run an PT (physical training) session before breakfast. He enjoys squatting motionless beside a jungle trail for three days straight waiting to ambush bad guys that might never show up. What he hates is people who aren´t interested in doing their best. Qualified Expert in all NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms.
“Most folks will get mad on occasion or at least get irretable – not Beach Head. He thinks anger is a waste of time and energy. Rage clouds the vision and pollutes logic. Fury impairs judgement and makes you careless. The results of anger are totally unacceptable to Beach Head. He doesn´t get angry… he gets even.”
Full figure
Black backpack
Black ammo bag
Grey machinegun