Agent Faces v2
– Mail Order

2003 Series

Filecard Info

Code Name: Agent Faces


File Name: Paolino, Michelino J.

SN: 783-78-MJ41

Primary Military Speciality: Intelligence

Secondary Military Speciality: Language Instructor

Birthplace: Parma, Ohio

Grade: E-4

Born with a natural talent for mimcry, Agent Faces amused his fellow recruits during basic training with his uncanny imitations of the drill sergeants and company cadre. He was doing a brutally accurate impression of the first sergeant, when that self-same top-kick caught him in the act. Instead of drawing punishment duty, Agent Faces found himself before an evaluation board and was whisked off to a top-secret intelligence school where they taught him to sculpt masks, apply makeup, and change himself into whoever he wanted to be. Disguised as a Cobra Crimson Guard, he infiltrated Cobra Mountain as part of a daring mission, working with Shipwreck to open the mountain´s hangar doors and allow the rest of the G.I. Joe team to storm the stronghold.

“I´m only successful if I´m undetected. Even if I do get caught out, I can still remain undercover as long as I beat the Cobra who caught me to the draw – and that´s given.”

Full figure



Red/silver helmet
Black shotgun
