Zarana v4
– Dreadnoks

Code Name: Zarana

Sister of Zartan

File Name: Unknown

Primary Military Speciality: Intelligence

Secondary Military Speciality: Sabotage

Birthplace: Unknown

The sinister sister of the sardonic shape-shifter is a disguise artist in her own right. An astounding mimic and quick study, she needs only moments of observation before she can assume a subject´s body language and voice characteristics down to the smallest detail. Zartan makes his impersonations work with exact physical resemblance. His sister´s approach is more from the method actor´s point of view; she tries to become her subject, going as far as trying to think like he or she would. Zarana would be much more successful at her craft is she wasn´t so rude, tight-fisted and generally mean. As convincing as her impersonations can be, she can´t sustain them for very long without revealing the unbridled nastiness that is at the core of her real self. Getting discovered is a relief for her in a way, since she can then demonstrate her prowess with knives, small-bore pistols and spiked brass knuckles.

“I wish there were two of you. Then I could knock your heads together and really get your attention.”



Black rifle w/blades
Black backpack
