1989 Series
Filecard Info
Code Name: Frag-Viper
Cobra Grenade Thrower
An integral part of the Cobra Viper fire-team, the Frag-Viper can toss high-explosive fragmentation grenades with all the range and accuracy of an M-79 or M-203 R.P.G.L.*, but without the noise from the muzzle blast. The secret lies in the manual hurling basket, based on the cesta used in the Basque sport of Jai Alai. The Frag-Viper cesta is equipped with automatic feed and variable time-fuser with a cable link to the helmet´s automatic range-finder.
* Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
“A G.I. Joe armed with a M-203 40mm grenade launcher can manage a firing rate of five rounds per minute and as soon as he pops the first round, everybody and his uncle knows where he is. A Frag-Viper, with a fifty round magazine and automatic feeder, can deliver fifteen rounds per minute and you´ll never have any idea where they´re coming from!”
Full figure


Black tube
Black backpack
Black hose
3x Black grenades
Black throwing tool
Black submachine gun