Storm Shadow
(Mail Order)

2005 Series

Filecard Info

Code Name: Storm Shadow

Cobra Ninja

File Name: Arashikage, Thomas M.

Primary Military Speciality: Ninja

Secondary Military Speciality: Sabotage

Birthplace: San Francisco, California

Storm Shadow was once a master in the Arashikage ninja clan. Along with his sword-brother, Snake Eyes, he was taught the ways of the ninja by his father, Hard Master. Storm Shadow could never accept that cooperation, not conquest, is often the key to victory. His desperate need to be the best in his fatherĀ“s eyes was a fatal flaw exploited by a Cobra ninja who infiltrated the clan. This evil ninja caused the death of Hard Master and had the blame fall on Snake Eyes. This split the clan and the sword-brothers in two. Now Storm Shadow works for Cobra in his quest to get revenge against Snake Eyes. But is his dedication to the cause of evil the truth or a deception? Ninjas work with the art of illusion as well as the blade of the sword. What are the true motives of Storm Shadow?

“I will do what must be done to avenge the death of my father.”

Full figure



White cowl
2x Black/silver knives
Black/silver sword
