Night Creeper Leader

1993 Series

Filecard Info

Code Name: Night Creeper Leader

Ninja Supreme Master

Captured Cobra documents revealed the existence of a contract between Cobra Commander and a syndicate of high-tech ninjas led by the Night Creeper Leader. He is believed to conduct all field intelligence and covert operations for Cobra. All investigations into his origin and the structure of his Night Creepers have run into dead ends. Sources suspect he molds them with the scruples of a Wall Street stock manipulators, the lethal skills of a master martial artist, and the stealthy talents of a cat burglar; then arms them with sophisticated anti-detection and weapons technology.

“If Atilla the Hun had a blackbelt, an MBA, and was armed with lasers he´d resemble me, except not as mean!”

Full figure




Orange crossbow
Orange foream shield
Orange knife
Orange crossbow
Orange missile
2x orange sword
(missing black launcher)
