Firefly v11
– Cobra Strike Team

2004 Series

Filecard Info

Code Name: Firefly

Cobra Saboteur

Primary Military Speciality: Sabotage

Birthplace: Classified

Firefly has a long history with Cobra, going back to when the evil organization first began causing trouble. An expert in mountain climbing, he uses his skills to break into places that are supposed to be out of reach. He can scale a cliff or building as easily as a fly walking up a wall. He has highly developed reflexes and expertise in hand-to-hand martial arts combat, as well as being an expert with various weaponry and explosives. Cobra likes to use him when a single saboteur is needed to quietly break into a secured location and cause some trouble. He encountered the martial arts master Nunchuck from the G.I. Joe team and, for the first time, had to escape before being captured. Now he longs to revenge himself for his humiliating defeat.

“Cobra calls me in to do the impossible, because I can make it happen.”

Full figure



Black submachine gun
Black cover
Black mobilephone
Black backpack



Card Front

Card Back