Nullifier v4

2006 Series

 2006 Convention exclusive

Filecard Info

Code Name: Nullifier

Cobra Elite Paratrooper

Primary Military Specialty: Paratrooper

Secondary Military Speciality: Anti-Aircraft Specialist

Cobra Nullifier are commissioned from Destro´s personal army to Work for Cobra Commander. Their purpose is to perform covert para-drop missions to ambush heavily guarded outposts.Once on the ground, these immensely powerful troopers eliminate any immediate resistance, and then prepare anti-aircraft batteries, allowing Cobra Officers to move in and safely secure the locations.

Cobra Nullifier must Work out every day to maintain their massive physique and high levels of Endurance. This, each trooper is fed solely on a diet of high protein gruel that looks like grey mush and tastes like wet cardboard. Their strict regimen is necessary in order for them to withstand H.A.L.O. (High Altitude Low Opening) parachute jumps and immediately engage in close quarter combat. This also explains why they always have the temperament of a rabid pit bull!

“Prepare to be nullified…from above!”

Full figure




Silver/blue shouldpad
Silver/blue helmet
Grey submachine gun
Grey knife
Black backpack
Silver parachute
